Props are my favorite! Most yoga poses can be accessible to most people with the assistance of props. Using props can not only guide you into a pose, but it can help you with your alignment in a pose. Check out below how to incorporate Blocks into your yoga practice.
Let me start with... cooking fish has always intimidated me. I love fish and seafood, but I can count on one hand how many times I've cooked fish.
Many of us suffer from back pain. Whether it’s your low back, mid back, or up around your shoulders and neck, stretching - and practicing yoga - has many benefits including relieving back pain. With yoga, like any physical activity, it’s best to enter into the poses slowly and not to push yourself to your limit. If you feel like you’re at the peak of your stretch - then release the pose about 10%. This is a marathon, not a sprint!
My turkey chili recipe isn't spicy, in fact it is pretty basic. But for those that aren't fans of spicy foods, this one is for you!
Tips for packing for a trip to Las Vegas in the Winter. Utilize my Packing Pyramid method for an easy packing plan!
A drive through Glittering Lights at the Las Vegas Speedway with the Wild West Jeep Club in December 2018.
Full Moons are a time of celebrating completion of goals, closing chapters in our lives, releasing the past, and moving forward. Blue Moon's are a second full moon in the same month. They happen about once a calendar year. This ritual will help you capture the healing powers of the blue moon.
Sobriety isn’t easy. It took me 15 months - from the moment I realized I was an alcoholic and had lost control of myself - to get sober. I went to 12 step meetings like you’re supposed to. I would get 4-6 weeks of sobriety under my belt, then I would go off the deep end on a weekend bender. I went back to 12 step meetings and spent over a year on a hamster wheel that felt like I would never be able to get off. I didn’t get it at the meetings. I don’t relate to Higher Power well. I couldn’t figure out how to get past that. I never felt like I had a God or Higher Being that had my back. I felt abandoned most of the time. By God. By my family. By my own self. Trying to put faith in something else didn’t work for me. I had to figure out how to put that faith in myself.
I use this blend EVERY DAY on my hair. My hair is shiny and healthy as a result! It's easy to mix and travels well, too.